We Met Before, Red Watch, Night Visions, Entre Les Images, Lairs, A.WAY, The Ferrovores, after-image.
Time listed is in your local time.
When a friend suffers from an illness, it opens the door for people round him to be able to talk about their own life's struggles. Transported from the confines of the home to a dreamlike outdoors, two dancers represent Thalissa Teixeira and her friend and how they react and reflect on his mental illness following a letter. When words are too hard, music takes its place. When that is too hard, movement takes hold. Together, they heal.
Robbie and her close friend ’T’ drive out to a secluded forest and experiment with self-hypnotism. The name of an estranged friend arises and triggers memories and serpentine hallucinations.
"Entre Les Images" is a found footage film composed of 35mm nitrate film frames from over 100 silent films, a large number of them irrevocably lost, with nothing to mark their presence outside of these majestic few frames. As a whole, they represent the hopes, dreams, and promises of tumultuous, perpetuating life and death between every frame.
Lairs, layers, liars: In this poetry film, hatred insidiously supplants a couple's love.
"A.WAY" is a journey into lost memories of youth, purely constructed with archive material. A nostalgic reverie that transitions into a feeling of melancholy and unease. The beauty of life and the fear of death as a universal sentiment.
"this time, this place... beyond open circulation closed reciprocity... closed hydration spheres wrought cast smithed... this is what we are what we eat ... "
Iron is the most common metal on earth. Indeed, it forms much of the molten core of the planet which in turn generates the earth’s magnetic poles. The red soils of the world are due to iron. At a biochemical level, iron is essential for human life, amongst other things, making our blood red. In the societal domain, iron is essential for manufacturing, electricity generation, and much more. Certain bacteria can derive energy for life directly from dissolved iron compounds (“rust”) rather than from oxygen as we do. Perhaps, at some time in the future, we, our descendants, the Ferrovores, may need to do the same.
"I see them and look them away ... see stinger-ray hide in bush ... climb for a better view ... afraid of spider-snake-lizard ... we watched them watched us ... "
An after-image is the residual image you see if you look away having stared at a brightly lit scene. It is a negative of the original and gradually fades away... something like a ghost.
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