Metamorphosis, Piz Regolith, Tower Memory Arcade,William Jefferson Wilderness,Inside, Manasanamaha, KEITH
Time listed is in your local time.
A butterfly is resurrected from a rare specimen collection and explores the ruins of an ancient civilization that leads to a mysterious underground frozen cave. In the cave, the butterfly meets the Butterfly Man, who is an amalgamation of many other butterflies. The two dance and transform between the human and butterfly shapes. The frozen environment gradually melts, plants and organisms begin to wake up around them. Eventually, the butterfly man is blown away by the wind and becomes part of the natural environment. Metamorphosis reflects my concerns about human memory of lost time. The film explores philosophical ideas about life forms decomposing and then transforming into new organisms, between dreams and reality, and between humans and creatures.
A postmodern swiss-tyrolean ensemble ventures into remote mountaineous regions, embracing the sonorous variety of local vernaculars. A poetic road movie with stunning shots and an emphatic approach to a new alpine aesthetics.
Tower Memory Arcade Video shares the memories of people who attended, supported and enjoyed the Tower Ballroom in Birmingham.
The video features graphics, photographs and footage in an experimental arcade style format. By passing from level to level, the audience gets to experience a time vortex of feelings, events and emotions from the Tower Ballroom, past and present.
Bill Clinton’s strange legacy as President of the United States and ringmaster of the 1990s is a confounding mess of public amnesia, nostalgia, and scorn. WILLIAM JEFFERSON WILDERNESS is a personal exploration that legacy, and of the tangled process of consigning a former political hero to history.
A tender two moments of reflection by writer Lois Norman, as she keeps her 95 year Father close and safe at home, during Lockdown. Inside, the 'feminine’ nurtures, protects and holds the memory of loved ones in our hearts. It reclaims the strength of 'family' and the power of Love to sustain us all.
A young man muses on the nature of love, recounting three relationships from his past. The girls in his life resemble three different seasons, namely Chaitra (Spring), Varsha (Monsoon) & Seeta (Winter).
How Keith Eldred came to own a former nuclear weapons storage site in East Anglia.
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