I am you, Staying (Aros Mae),The Graduation, The Hitchhiker, She's Okay, Take Control.
Time listed is in your local time.
Based on a true story.
Trapped in a life of endless fear, one girl tries to explain a life caught in County Lines crime. Exploited by the people who befriended and too scared to tell the ones who love her.
A woman from the city has a brief but life-changing connection with a hill farmer and the landscape in remote Mid Wales. ‘Staying (Aros Mae)’ features real-life members of a traditional hill farming community in Radnorshire, Mid Wales, whose historic way of life is threatened by climate crisis, Brexit and the UK economy.
Things go from bad to worse for over-looked middle child, Abi, when the family car breaks down on a secluded mountain road, on-rout to her graduation ceremony. Forced to seek help on foot, the group must reevaluate what it means to be a family if they're to have any chance of making it back to civilization.
Walked-all-over Larry finds himself stuck in the car with a hitchhiker. Dots connect and Larry begins to realise that he may very well be trapped in there with an armed criminal. Trying- and failing- to find help in the middle of Wales, Larry has no way out. Then again, neither does the hitchhiker.
Zak, a lonely troubled boy is on the slippery slope towards a life of crime, until Tony, a former con himself, helps turn Zac’s life around with nothing more than a few simple words of wisdom.
Student Bethany is thrust into a difficult situation after boyfriend Aaron finds out her future plans which then leads to an altercation that will change her life forever.
Grumpy Welshman Derw Derw is late for an interview so the last thing he needs is to get sucked into a vortex.
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