Bear Business, Leonidas and the Fish, Mother, Splinter.
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A mother is confronted with the suicide of her son. Thrown back on herself and in search of answers, she confronts his friend.
When a melancholic plant seller gets a mysterious splinter in his foot, he's forced to make a big decision
A deaf couple, man and pregnant woman, arrive at the delivery room, in labor. The Sign Language Interpreter, who was supposed to come and interpret, was unexpectedly absent. And so, the couple remains to cope with the birth without the ability to understand the medical staff. the experience turns into an event that would change the couple's lives forever.
One ordinary day in Leonidas's life, a seemingly minor event with major impact on him. Leonidas's favourite pastime is fishing, his usual catch providing him with pocket money for personal spending. Unexpectedly, and in view of significant onlookers, he catches a big fish. It signifies success, acceptance and appreciation by the young men and girl. How does he deal with it?
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