One Day, Home Stream, Pas de Deux, The Prospector.
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A journey through grief, loss and the unbreakable bond between a Mother and child.
Lily has been homeless for a year and a half. We gave her a phone to tell us her story.
A heart breaking tale told entirely through feet. When smart and uptight Brogues falls in love with colourful fun and playful Sparkly Toes, she feels complete. but like any couple the two have their ups and downs, their highs and their lows. When tragedy strikes and Brogues finds herself alone again, she must find a way to keep on moving while keeping Sparkly Toes with her always.
A mysterious asteroid prospector searches the universe for his fortune. This journey takes the prospector to a place where he has to look directly at his soul and decide what he is willing to sacrifice to achieve his ambitions. Portland Oregon rock band, The Shivas narrate the prospector’s journey with a foreboding 60’s surf rock soundtrack.
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