My Hero, EAST of London, Caravan, Clean, A Cthulhu Stroy.
Time listed is in your local time.
As last-minute plans for a babysitter fall apart, eight-year-old Brandon is left alone to oversee his younger brother Mason.
In East London Jacob finds himself between a looming drug deal and commitments to his family. He must decide whether to face danger in order to make money for his mother and sister, or leave it all behind and risk his life for walking away.
Essex, present day. Hugh Millais (Joerg Stadler) is a middle aged farmhand who finds himself caught amidst a flurry of accusations sparked by an encounter with two young boys near his caravan. The allegations cause him to lose his job and get banned from the local pub. In a desperate plea to clear his name, he confronts their mother about the rumors.
Martin ventures inside a laundrette to wash some clothes. However, after falling asleep inside, he awakens to discover his clothes have gone, and everybody inside has disappeared...
A young photographer buys a film camera, after he develops the film left inside the camera he finds out a monstery image the previous owner captured 30 years ago.
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