Home Time, I Want to Breathe Sweet Air, Freeze Your Brain, This is Love,Wade in the Water, Are You Numb Yet?, Yesterday's Wardrobe.
Time listed is in your local time.
Made during the CV19 lockdown and commissioned by Multistory as part of their project, Stories in Isolation, Home Time tells a child’s simple point of view during a congested and manic period. In the midst of a nationwide lockdown, a school-boy is just a boy. Now that school is been taken from him, his realisation of how much he loved his teachers, classmates and the routine arises and he poetically awaits the day he can return.
“I Want to Breathe Sweet Air,” with acclaimed poet Lucy English, is a visual and aural indictment of careless land development and the impact of climate change on the natural environment, incorporating footage shot specifically for this project, as well as a vast library accumulated by Outlier Moving Pictures during seven years of documenting environmental destruction.
"Freeze Your Brain" is a poetry film that asks who are we really? Is it who we project ourselves to be or what is expected of us to be? A group of strangers go on an journey to find their true selves.
A chilling spoken word film, inspired by the old negro spiritual 'Wade in the Water'. It is told through the eyes of three men unveiling their struggle and fear of being a black man in America.
Are You Numb Yet?
Set in the aftermath of the Black Lives Matter movement and the COVID-19 pandemic, This story is told through a potent mix of poetry, dance, theatre, and music. Full of suppressed anger and fear, we watch Dre as he implodes from the traumatic effects of dealing with two pandemics.
Yesterday's wardrobe is an animated Love Poem. It portrays life's journey through a series of ordinary reminiscences.
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