God is Dead, A Hole, #YOLO - You Only Live Once,I am Matteo / Io sono Matteo.
Time listed is in your local time.
One morning when Jesus hears a news broadcast about a groundbreaking archaeological discovery, the purpose of his existence is suddenly called in to question. Whilst Joseph encourages his son to get a job, Jesus defies his father’s orders and fights to continue his divine mission. However, he quickly finds himself consumed by the dark reality of a nihilistic existence.
A man digs a hole, people watch him do it.
A skilled workman digs a perfect hole in a cracked earthen plain in an endless warehouse, a series of well-dressed people come and sit on comfortable couches offering contradictory opinions, and the job gradually unravels.
Abhay is a cyberspace addict. All his moves from the time he wakes up in the morning, to the time he hits the bed are captured and shared digitally, with utmost care to perfection. Through his delusive social media presence, he makes his best efforts to compensate for his loneliness. Things seem to change when he scores a date with an online friend. But will things really change for the good? Will his virtual addiction ultimately prove to be beneficial for him?
#Yolo is about one man's digital odyssey in the rat race for social approval.
Matteo è un promettente regista precario. Improvvisamente è costretto a fare i conti con il male del secolo: il cancro.
Matteo is a promising precarious director. Suddenly he is forced to deal with the evil of the century: cancer.
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