WAVE, Indefinitely, Lifeline,Vegan Hunters,The Cookie Heist, Carlo, Adoption, Lucid Dreams, LOVE ME TENDER.
Time listed is in your local time.
The film records a day of Akebaierjiang, an Uyghur young man living in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, China, whose life shifts between a passionate popping dancer and an ER doctor. This film aims to present the struggle and balance between being responsible for a steady job in a real life and pursuing a dream.
Tilly and Vic are waiting for Tilly’s parents to join them on a video call so that they can break some difficult news to them. But, as so often happens when family gets together, the conversation is quickly derailed by passive aggression, an uninvited visitor and, of course, dodgy internet connection.
During the Covid-19 Pandemic of 2020, two self-isolating office workers, both lonely in their own way, connect via a series of progress reports. Each becoming the other's lifeline to a world beyond quarantine.
A comedic exploration of the disconnect between people and their food. Two extremist vegans accidentally kill an animal after being attacked by it. They realise they have acquired a secret passion for the thrill of the kill. A story flipping the steak on traditional veganism, asking; 'is it more humane to die becoming art than to die and be eaten?'
Two brothers, (4 and 2) must put aside their long standing feud to gain the ultimate treasure. Cookies! But one thing stands in their way. Daddy. Can they bury the issues of their past? Can they find a way to work together? Can they outsmart Daddy? Can they get the cookies from the top of the fridge?
Carlo is a recovering heroin addict who works odd hours at a guitar shop sanding bodies. The temptation to relapse is weighing him down.
Severine wants to adopt a dog. However, she hesitates to make decision for some reason.
Where can we get together? Set amid a societal crisis, 'Lucid Dreams' is a six-minute Greek epic from a second-person point of view about democracy, the importance of human connection, and the capability of change. The main characters are virtually somewhere between New York, Los Angeles, and Berlin.
A teenage girl physically suffers the fate of being kidnapped by her mother since birth, but by discovering the erotic power of her body, she dares the unimaginable.
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