A world-renowned, professional fly killer, named Carl, is on the cusp of finalising his latest and most powerful invention; a machine that, with a single pulse, will annihilate every single fly on this world. Whilst testing its efficacy within the limited range of his workshop, a single fly miraculously survives the death pulse. Adamant that his machine not be undermined, a chase ensues between the fly and its would-be killer. Before Carl has a chance to squash it, the fly crawls into a small hole in the wall, out of reach. Putting his eye up to the hole, Carl sees before him an impossible fly utopia; bathed in golden light and hope. Jolting backwards, his sense of the world now fractured, the fly re-emerges and lands on the blueprints of Carl’s death-machine. As he looks on, the fly redesigns his machine, transforming it into something far more intriguing; a machine that turns flies into humans…
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