Pan ddeffrodd Alice a’i nain, Pearl, y bore yma, doedden nhw ddim yn gwybod efallai mai heddiw fyddai eu olaf. Wnaeth Steve ddim chwaith, pan aeth ei gar i mewn iddyn nhw ar groesfan sebra...
Fel pe baent yn deffro o freuddwyd gydol oes, maent i gyd yn cael eu hunain mewn lle rhyfedd cyfarwydd.
Wedi’u harwain gan ffigwr caredig ac enigmatig, cânt eu harwain ar daith gerdded ôl-syllol trwy goedwig wyllt eu bywydau blaenorol i ddrws dirgel, lle mae’n rhaid iddynt wynebu a chofleidio beth bynnag sydd y tu hwnt i...
When Alice and her grandmother, Pearl, woke up this morning, they didn’t know that today might be their last. Steve didn’t either, when his car ploughed into them on a zebra crossing...
As if awakening from a lifelong dream, they each find themselves in a strangely familiar place.
Guided by a kindly and enigmatic figure, they are led on a retrospective stroll through the wild wood of their former lives to a mysterious doorway, where they must face and embrace whatever lies beyond...