Mae'r ffilm yn dilyn trawsnewid llond llaw o glai yn fâs gwydrog hudolus. Mae dyluniadau Saba yn adlewyrchu persona myfyrgar sy’n gyfforddus gyda’i sgiliau cyffyrddol. Mae'n ystyried potiau fel cerflunwaith, ac mae'r ffurfiau a'r gwydreddau y mae'n eu creu yn dod â thechnegau traddodiadol ynghyd â synhwyrau modern. Cedwir ei waith mewn llawer o gasgliadau cyhoeddus gan gynnwys Amgueddfa Ashmolean, Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru ac Oriel Gelf Efrog.
Mae rhythm i grefft yr artist hwn, wedi’i chwyddo’n rhyfeddol gan gerddoriaeth ei dad pianydd penigamp. Mae’r ffilm fyfyriol hon yn ystyried sut mae personoliaeth a phrofiadau crefftwr yn dylanwadu ar eu gwaith, tra’n ystyried ein perthynas ddynol â chlai a’r broses elfennol o wneud crochenwaith, un sydd wedi bodoli ers miloedd o flynyddoedd ac sy’n parhau hyd heddiw.
The film follows the transformation of a handful of clay into an alluringly glazed vase. Saba’s designs reflect a contemplative persona at ease with his tactile skills. He considers pots as sculpture, and the forms and glazes he creates bring together traditional techniques with modern sensibilities. His work is held in many public collections including the Ashmolean Museum, National Museum of Wales and York Art Gallery.
There’s a rhythm to this artist’s craft, wonderfully amplified by the music of his virtuoso pianist father. This meditative film considers how a craftsperson's personality and experiences influence their work, whilst contemplating our human relationship to clay and the elemental process of pottery making, one which has existed for millennia and continues into the present day.