Mae Because Goddess is Never Enough yn archwilio natur swil a thameidiog bywyd Tilly ac yn dwyn i gof ysbryd y 1920au–40au pan oedd hi ar frig ei henwogrwydd.
Roedd Tilly Losch yn ddawnsiwr o Awstria a weithiodd gyda choreograffwyr ac artistiaid blaenllaw ac arloesol yn y DU a’r Unol Daleithiau, o’r West End i Hollywood. Roedd hi hefyd yn goreograffydd yn ei rhinwedd ei hun, a drodd at beintio yn ddiweddarach.
Mae'r ffilm yn ymwneud â hunan-werth, yr hunan dilys, a hygrededd merched creadigol - roedd Losch yn rhywun a gafodd ei hecsbloetio ar adegau ond eto'n benderfynol o gynnal ei llwybr ei hun er gwaethaf y rhwystrau a oedd yn amlwg iawn yn ei chyfnod. Mae'r tebygrwydd rhwng Losch a'r ffordd y mae merched yn dal i gael eu portreadu yn yr 21ain ganrif trwy lens y cyfryngau a chan gymdeithas yn ffurfio datganiad pwerus sy'n procio'r meddwl am hunaniaeth fenywaidd. Mae’n amlygu pa mor bell y mae menywod wedi dod mewn 90 mlynedd, ac eto pa mor bell y mae’n rhaid iddynt fynd eto i gael cydnabyddiaeth a gwir annibyniaeth.
Mae ‘Oherwydd nad yw Duwies byth yn ddigon’ yn gofyn cwestiynau am fywgraffiadau merched (a’u bywydau cymhleth!) sy’n disgyn i’r troednodiadau, ar goll o hanes gan fod cymaint o straeon merched, yn cael eu gweld trwy lens patriarchaidd yn unig, yn goleuo ac yn adennill straeon merched.
Because Goddess is Never Enough explores the elusive and fragmentary nature of Tilly’s life and evokes the spirit of the 1920s–40s when she was at the peak of her fame.
Tilly Losch was an Austrian dancer who worked with prominent, and cutting-edge, choreographers and artists in the UK and the US, from the West End to Hollywood. She was also a choreographer in her own right, who later turned to painting.
The film is about self-worth, the authentic self, and the credibility of creative women – Losch was someone who was at times exploited yet determined to maintain a path of her own making despite the obstacles that were very much present in her era. The parallels of Losch and the way women are still portrayed in the in the 21st century through the lens of the media and by society forms a powerful and thought-provoking statement about female identity. It highlights how far women have come in 90 years, and yet how far they still have to go to get recognition and true independence.
‘Because Goddess is never enough’ asks questions about biographies of women (and their complex lives!) who fall into the footnotes, lost from history as so many women’s stories are, seen only through a patriarchal lens, illuminating and reclaiming women’s stories.